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Hörtkorn Consulting

Only those who know their risks can make sensible decisions.

“Whoever insures me must know my business!”

The bigger the stage you are on and the more complicated the role you play, the more pitfalls there are that jeopardize the achievement of corporate goals. Increased awareness and suitable instruments are therefore more than ever the order of the day. Many of the typical corporate risks now lie outside insurable areas, which is why we have successfully adapted our perspective and take a holistic view of corporate risks.

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for startups

It is best to consider how you will manage your risk in your business plan and before you start looking for the right insurance cover, it is important that you know your individual risks.

With the concept developed by Hörtkorn Consulting, we gain the necessary insights into your company and obtain a comprehensible result of the overall risk situation through a risk analysis. As part of our risk audit, we identify individual company risks in order to discuss possible solutions with you.

For companies

If you want to secure growth and minimize losses, you need to be able to assess your risks. In a constantly changing global economic environment, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to strengthen their resilience.

This applies not only in times of economic uncertainty and high volatility, but especially when it comes to being able to react quickly to sudden events. A pandemic or a war are just two examples of risks that can arise and have a negative economic impact. Risks that cannot be protected against on an ad hoc basis, but recent developments are giving more and more companies cause to reflect on their existing risk management.

Because only those who can correctly assess their risks can protect their company from dangers. And before they occur. In order to be able to do this, overarching goals and strategies must be established that help to define criteria for classifying and assessing different risks or methods for risk identification.

In addition, responsibilities for risk decisions, the provision of resources to avert risks, the reporting of identified risks and the level of qualification of personnel for risk management itself are defined.

All this stands for professional risk management!

Whether start-ups, SMEs or large companies

– the risks are the same for everyone!

In large companies, corporations and stock corporations, the establishment of a risk management system is required by law and has become an established management task that is dealt with by dedicated specialists in order to identify, analyze and later assess risks. However, start-ups and SMEs, regardless of their sector, face a major challenge if they want to operate risk management professionally.

Because in a global economy, the effects of risks are the same, regardless of the size of a company.

Recognizing risks means making better decisions. Of course, the best damage is that which does not occur in the first place. And it is also clear that risk management cannot minimize the probability of a loss occurring. However, professional risk management can at least significantly minimize the amount of damage through preventive measures. To do this, you have to be able to make the right decisions. A well thought-out risk management system provides a structured overview of the individual risks to which companies are exposed.

But most companies lack this today. The consequences are immense:

Unnecessary insurance costs

In this case, there is insurance cover for risks that the company can, for example, fully assume itself or the agreed sum insured (maximum compensation) is oversized because a maximum loss of this amount cannot occur. These overcapacities cause unnecessary insurance costs and should be avoided at all costs in order to improve the financial stability and competitiveness that a company needs in the face of tough competition.

Underinsurance / gaps in cover

The so-called “hidden risk costs” can threaten a company’s existence. This is because risks that are not recognized and for which there is no analysis of the loss scenarios always lead to misjudgements about the level of cover required. And because the risk-bearing capacity of companies decreases in economically volatile times, the unforeseen occurrence of a loss event can quickly lead to a company getting into financial difficulties.

Risks of change

The technological, economic, political and legal framework conditions for companies are changing at an ever-increasing pace. This constant change not only makes their requirements increasingly complex, but also changes their risk landscape. Only those who can adapt to these changes flexibly and in good time and thus deal with risks proactively will be able to survive in their market in the long term.
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Conventional loss prevention / risk-based protection concepts

The risks themselves have increased in severity and impact to such an extent that traditional measures of conventional loss prevention with classic protection concepts only meet today’s requirements for risk-adequate handling of hazards to a limited extent. Time and again, major loss events occur that have catastrophic effects on property, the environment and people in extreme scenarios. This can mean the financial ruin of a company. Only well thought-out risk management offers a sustainable improvement in the risk landscape.

Companies that want a structured and detailed overview of their insurable risks should get in touch with us!

Our IT-supported analysis significantly reduces the customer’s workload. In a first step, all of the company’s individual risks are analyzed and recorded in a workshop. The result is a complete overview of all insurable company risks. For this purpose, the target profile is created in a target/actual comparison, which focuses on which risks exist and how they should ideally be handled. A target/actual comparison is then carried out to determine whether there are any differences between the target profile and the actual profile in order to optimize the handling of the risks.

Avoid overinsurance and underinsurance

We show in which areas companies are overinsured or underinsured or where there are possible gaps in cover.

Companies receive specific recommendations on which risks they should react to and what potential for change exists.

Our analysis can also be used as the basis for the development of a holistic risk management system, which we can implement in a company in collaboration with our partner. We provide long-term support throughout the entire implementation process so that the company can minimize its risks, improve decision-making, react more quickly to risks of change and strengthen its financial stability and competitiveness in the long term.

Step by step

Little effort, a structured overview of the insurable risks and the identification of overinsurance, underinsurance and gaps in cover WE provide clarity at a glance!

Step by step, our risk experts guide you through the entire project.

Risk management reduces the risk of a corporate crisis

Companies that do not systematically manage their risks often make the wrong decision when it comes to hedging risks. Risk management creates transparency about the risk situation and reduces the likelihood of a corporate crisis.


Risk dialog: Systematic recording of your insurable risks

Day workshop: Joint assessment of the risks

Evaluation: Decision on how to deal with risks

Report: Preparation of a risk management report

TARGET/ACTUAL comparison of existing insurance contracts

Representation of a recommended insurance concept

Final discussion

Your advantages

You gain transparency about the risk situation in the company, as all insurable risks are systematically identified and evaluated
Overinsurance is eliminated, gaps in cover can be closed
Through systematic and transparent analysis with the right measures, this approach helps you to secure the company’s success and existence
With this transparency, you can make better decisions when dealing with your risks
This creates savings in insurance costs and hidden risk costs from previously unidentified or unassessed risks
The well-structured report can also be used externally (e.g. auditors, major customers, banks) as proof of functioning risk management of insurable risks

Insurance Due Diligence

Due diligence, i.e. the examination of a target company by the prospective buyer or investor, which has been customary and legally required for decades, is subject to constant change depending on current issues.

H Hörtkorn Consulting sees itself as a partner in matters of protection for SMEs throughout the entire investment process as well as for private equity investors. To this end, we offer comprehensive solutions for strategic investors and private equity companies, combining key aspects of risk management with our expertise in hedging individual transaction risks.

Insurance due diligence provides the buyer with a comprehensive overview of the existing insurance program, the claims history and, last but not least, the insurance costs as a budget item for the planned transaction.

Hörtkorn Consulting GmbH - Grafik - Insurance Due Diligence

Advantages for buyers

As part of the acquisition process, we will show you how the target company has dealt with the definition of risks.

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Our results report provides the buyer with lasting insights into the risk landscape of the company to be acquired. Using a structured and systematic approach, we carry out the following steps:

Determining the most important insurable risks


Identify the insurance purchasing strategy of the target company


Determining the total cost of insurance


Evaluating the claims history and thus the company's risk behavior

We use this information for the following purposes:

Identification of underinsured or uninsured risks


Commenting on foreseeable changes in insurance costs


Recommend insurance-related provisions for the purchase contract


Creating a roadmap with the most important insurance measures before and after closing

The most important advantages of due diligence include:

Supporting the buyer in the ongoing decision-making process


Support in validating the purchase price


Optimization of risk coverage in the purchase agreement


Mitigation of insurance-related risks

The concept developed by Hörtkorn Consulting GmbH provides us with the necessary insights into your company and a risk analysis gives us a comprehensible result of the overall risk situation.
As part of our risk auditing, we identify individual company risks in order to discuss possible solutions in dialogue with you.